


This video presents the symbiotic relationship of a tick bird and a rhinoceros in animation. This is an example of mutualism wherein both organisms benefit with each other. In this case, the tick bird helps the rhinoceros by eating the parasites on its back and in return, the rhinoceros protects the tick bird from its predators. Another is the mutual relationship of algae and the crab wherein the algae helps the crab through camouflage to escape its predators and the crab in return, allows the algae to settle in its back.

Enjoy watching this short musical animation on symbiosis. :)


A relationship wherein one organism is benefited while the other is neutral (do not benefit nor harmed). This video shows the relationship of the whale shark and remora fishes. The remora fishes simply goes with the shark for transportation and often times eating the small leftovers of the shark. The whale shark is not benefited or harmed by the remoras.

Here's the video :)


A relationship wherein one organism is benefited while the other is harmed. An example of this is the botfly invasion in humans and animals where the botfly plants its larvae in human flesh and incubating it their until it's ready to hatch into an adult botfly. Botfly larvae is transmitted by the mosquito.

Here's the video.


A relationship where organisms compete for resources and even territory. This relationship is categorized into two. Intraspecific and Interspecific.

This video is an example of an intraspecific competition where two the same species are competing for territory.


A relationship where one species is killed while the other is benefited. An example is a lioness hunting a zebra. The lioness is the predator or the hunter and the zebra is the prey, the one being hunted.

Teaching Video

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